
Curriculum Statement - Art

Art is a way of stimulating children’s creativity and imagination through visual, tactile and sensory experiences. It allows children to explore different ways in which mood can be expressed and the chance to study life in different cultures and times. It gives children the opportunity to understand and respond to the world in a unique way and develop their own interpretations. At Emscote, the children will develop an awareness of the key elements of art: line, shape, colour, texture, form, space and value. The children will then improve their ability to identify these elements through researching and appraising a wide range of artists and designers. Skills demonstrating these elements are then practised and honed and the children are given the opportunity to apply them, using a variety of media. This approach gives the children the subject knowledge and confidence to make autonomous decisions when creating their finished projects.

• Taught as a half termly unit
• Taught in a clear sequence of appraisal, skills practise and final piece
• Key vocabulary is taught and referred to throughout the sequence
• Use of knowledge organisers to support learning
• Building on children's prior learning
• Children study artists and designers from a range of countries and cultures
• Children are supported in using a wide range of media

The impact and measure of this is that the children at Emscote will leave here with a secure understanding of the 7 elements and the ability to appraise their own and other's work. They will have developed the ability to think critically and make autonomous decisions which can be transferred into their wider lives. Children leave Emscote feeling inspired to further develop their skills and showcase their interpretations of the world around them.