School Office

  • Please call us on 01926 491433 to make an appointment to look around, and visit Warwickshire School Admissions for full details on how to apply for a place.
  • Please contact the school office if you would like to move your child to Emscote mid-year, we can help you with the process.
Session Times
  • The school day begins at 8.40am. The gates are locked shortly after 8.40am and opened again at 3pm in line with our security policy. Morning break is 10.40am to 11.00am and lunch time is 12.00 to 1pm. School ends at 3.10pm. 

Absences from school
  • The school must be informed in writing if children are to be absent for any reason; in the case of illness the office must be telephoned on the first day of absence and any subsequent day on (01926) 491433.

Leave of absence during term-time
  • Leave of Absence during term time: Head teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are “exceptional circumstances” that apply to that application. The head teacher should consider each application on a case-by-case basis and on its own merits. It is at the head teacher’s discretion if the exceptional circumstances warrant the authorisation of the leave and should also determine the number of days the pupil should be absent for. Head teachers should make clear to parents the date on which the pupil will be expected to return to school. All requests for leave of absence must be made in advance and by the parent/carer with whom the child normally resides.

  • If you need to seek an absence during term time you will have to complete a  Leave of Absence Form available from the school office or see the link below; you will need to outline the exceptional circumstances that require the leave of absence and supportive evidence may be needed.

  • This should be done at least six weeks before the suggested leave of absence. Each application will be assessed on an individual basis by the headteacher and chair of governors and they must be satisfied that the circumstances warrant the granting of leave. All applications will be considered in the light of a child's attendance. Even in exceptional circumstances the request may not be considered if your child's attendance is below 95%.

School Meals
  • Depending on your family/household income, your child may be eligible for Free School Meals. All children in Infant School receive a free hot meal at lunch-time, but this is a separate entitlement. If your child qualifies for Free School Meals they will also receive Pupil Premium funding. This entitles your child to free or subsidised school trips, music lessons, school uniform and help to access after school clubs. Registering children for Free School Meals and subsequently Pupil Premium also enables the school to claim additional funding to improve resources for your child in school.  Registering children for Free School Meals and subsequently Pupil Premium also enables the school to claim additional, much needed funding to improve resources for your child in school.           

  • If you think you are eligible then you can apply online at

  • Please provide your child with a small healthy fruit based snack for morning break. Children receive a free fruit or vegetable based snack in the afternoon too.
  • Each child that registers with Cool Milk will receive a 189ml portion of semi-skimmed milk every day, delivered fresh and chilled to the classroom.  Their school milk will not only provide them with essential nutrients, but as it is rehydrating and energy boosting it also bridges the gap between breakfast and lunch to help children stay focused. School milk is free for under-5s, and for over-5s it is available at a subsidised price. To register please visit

Scallywags Kids Club
  • The club offers excellent childcare for children aged 4 – 11. Breakfast Club from 7.30am including breakfast. After school Club 3.10 – 5.45pm including snack. For more information call Jo and Pam 07834 241414. Click here for the Scallywags Activity Club website

School Closure
  • Should the school need to be closed due to inclement weather or an emergency you will be alerted by text and/or email. Please make sure the office has your up-to-date mobile phone number and email address. You can also sign up to receive text and email alerts if the school has to close due to bad weather at In addition announcements will be made on local radio stations.
Warwickshire Term Dates
Medicines in School
  • Teachers are only allowed to dispense prescribed medicine.  Please complete the form below and hand the form and medicine to your class teacher.