
Curriculum Statement - History 


At Emscote, we are passionate about the teaching of history. Studying history gives children the opportunity to develop an understanding of how people and the evens of the past have impacted the world today. We encourage children to be independent thinkers and learners. We aim to equip children with an understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Local history is also important to us and our curriculum has been carefully crafted to ensure children can experience parts of the rich history of Warwick. At Emscote, we understand and value the importance of teaching high-level language in order to develop children’s historical understanding and our history units have been planned carefully to ensure progression in historical terms. We understand that children will be much better helped to develop as citizens with a respect for diversity, and tolerance for others' attitudes and beliefs, if they are also encouraged to understand and respect societies different from their own in time as well as place.



  •          Taught as a half termly unit.
  •          Objectives planned carefully to ensure progression of skills and knowledge across school. 
  •          Questioning and regular “low-stakes” quizzes (retrieval practice) used to promote long-term learning.
  •          Building on children's prior learning.
  •          Theme days to bring learning to life.
  •          Trips, visits and workshops to enrich learning. 
  •          Develop children’s questioning skills.
  •          Children to study significant individuals from a range of time periods, countries and cultures. 
  •          Revisiting key content and vocabulary in other subject areas.
  •          Use of artefacts to enhance learning. 


The impact and measure of this is to ensure that children at Emscote are equipped with historical skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 2 and for life as an adult in the wider world. Children should progress to KS2 with the beginnings of an understanding of chronology as well as some understanding of British, local and world history. Furthermore, we aim to equip children with skills and values that can be applied more universally, such as questioning and tolerance for others. We want the children's enthusiasm for the subject to encourage them to seek further opportunities to develop their skills and understanding in the future.