Senior Leadership Team

Mr Queralt

Executive Head Teacher

Likes: Cricket, canoeing and poached egg and marmite sandwiches
Dislikes: Cats
Claim to fame: I have hairy toes

Mrs Nicol

Head of School

Likes: Sunshine, peonies, Malteasers and Coventry City FC
Dislikes: Carrots, mess, trains
Claim to fame: I once climbed into a crocodile swamp!

Miss Stanley

Senior Leader and Cherry Class Teacher

Likes: animals, playing tennis and going on long walks with family and friends.
Dislikes: being cold, sprouts and wasps!
Claim to fame: I met David Walliams once and he was very tall compared to me!

Mrs Stephenson

Senior Leader and Chestnut Class Teacher

Likes: Jelly sweets, painted toenails and summer
Dislikes: Broad beans, scouring pads and shopping for clothes
Claim to fame: Michael Caine made me a cup of tea in his house

Mrs Cartledge


Likes: The sound of rain when I am cosy in bed.
Dislikes: Ice cream dripping down my hand.
Claim to fame: I was thrilled to be invited to a garden party at Buckingham Palace.