
All Saints' and Emscote Voices School Choir

All Saints' and Emscote Voices School Choir, founded in 2012 by three passionate teaching assistants, is a vibrant and dynamic school choir dedicated to inspiring students and lifting their confidence through singing and music. It has very quickly grown into a vibrant and successful musical group.

From its humble beginnings, the choir has been part of numerous remarkable performances, including appearances at prestigious venues like the Royal Albert Hall and the Young Voices concerts. Each year, our choir shines in the local schools Summer Concert, delivering memorable performances that captivate the audience.

Over the years, we have built strong connections with local charities including the Rotary Club of Warwick, performing at renowned locations such as Warwick Castle, supporting the Lights of Love initiative, and contributing to causes like fundraising for the children ward at Warwick Hospital and various cancer charities. In 2013, the choir achieved recognition by winning the Free Radio’s Coventry and Warwickshire competition at Christmas, earning an invitation to perform live on air.

Our school choir has become a beloved tradition during the holiday season, regularly performing at Rohan Gardens retirement home. Each year, the talented young voices bring festive cheer and warmth to the residents, spreading holiday cheer with their heartfelt carol performances. The collaboration between our schools and the retirement home has fostered a beautiful bond, enriching both the childrens’ lives and the residents' experience of the holidays. It is a testament to the power of music bringing generations together and creating lasting memories for everyone. All Saints' and Emscote Voices choir’s future is as bright as their voices are powerful! The children’s sense of community, hard work and dedication, their love for singing all ensure that they will not only continue to thrive but will inspire other children in years to come to find their voices and pursue their musical dreams.

Mrs Hart

Christmas Rocksteady concert
Every Tuesday, Rocksteady come to work with children across all year groups. They have the opportunity to learn an instrument and play in a band, whilst learning all about rhythm, timing and collaboration. Our termly Rocksteady concert was greatly enjoyed by all the school and the family members that came to watch.
Warwick Schools' Celebration Event
Our year 4 children and those who play violin within school, were invited to Warwick Hall, Warwick School this week to showcase the work they have been doing with The Orchestra of the Swan and Warwick: a Singing Town, along with pupils and teachers from several other local schools. 

Spring Term Rocksteady Concert

The Rocksteady children once again had the opportunity to share their talent with the whole school during their end of term performance. They each performed a different song with their band and played a variety of instruments including the rhythm guitar, bass guitar, drums, keyboard and vocals. They did incredibly well- the staff, children and parents all very much enjoyed the musical interlude to the day. Grace, their Rocksteady teacher, said how proud she was of them for developing their rhythm, tempo and working on their collaborative skills during the term- and excellent performance by all!

Young Voices
After months of practice and dedication, our school choir attended Young Voices concert on 22 February in World Resorts Arena in Birmingham. They performed with a live band as part of 5,400 children’s choir in front of an audience. The two hours long concert was filled with celebrities, stage effects and most importantly lots of fun. It was a day that will remain in everyone's memory for a very long time. Congratulations to all the children who took part in this special event.

Choir visit 31st January
Today, a community choir came to perform during assembly and the performance was greatly enjoyed by all staff and children. The children even had a chance to sing alongside the choir and perform together. It was also very interesting to learn about the different elements of a choir.

Rocksteady Concert

We are lucky enough to have Rocksteady at All Saints every Tuesday morning working with children across all year groups. They have the opportunity to learn either bass, electric lead guitar, keyboard, drums or vocals. They then work together to practise songs which are performed by each band to the whole school at the end of each term. They had to work on their rhythm, timing, composition and collaboration of instruments to create an enjoyable performance and piece of music.

Lights of Love

Our choir were invited to perform at a really special event in Warwick on Sunday 10th December. ‘Lights of Love’, run by The Mayor and The Rotary Club of Warwick, invites people to celebrate and remember someone who is loved and missed. A tree in Market Square is used to display cards with special messages. The choir performed at a Dedication Service, yet again giving up some of their weekend time – they sang beautifully, as always, whilst braving the weather! Well done everyone!

Violin Assembly
Jeremy's Singing Assembly
Jongaleresa (early music) Performance

Performing at Church

Our choir performed at a Charity Fayre held at All Saints’ Church on Saturday 25th November. The children gave up their weekend time to perform – they sang beautifully and were highly praised by everyone in attendance. They helped to raise the incredible sum of £1130 for Cancer Research UK. A massive well done to all of the children and to Mrs Hart who leads the choir.  

Orchestra of The Swan
On 9th October, we had a wonderfully musical morning, welcoming musicians from the Orchestra of The Swan. The instruments played were the double bass, the French horn, the flute and the violin. Each instrumentalist played individually as well as together and shared their love of music with the children. They were joined by Jeremy Dibb from 'Warwick a Singing Town' so the children also 'performed' themselves, singing the pieces they have been learning in music lessons. It was another fantastic musical experience for our children.   
Find out more about the orchestra here:
A Quintete from the Beauchamp Sinfonietta performed for the school
On Thursday 28th September, we were lucky to be visited by musicians from the Beauchamp Sinfonietta. Based in Leamington Spa, the Beauchamp Sinfonietta is one of the best chamber orchestras in the West Midlands. (click here if you'd like to find out more: ) Rather than the whole orchestra (who probably wouldn't fit in our hall!), the visitors formed a 'Wind quintet'. As they explained, quintet means that there were five of them; wind instruments are ones you blow into (or across in the case of the flute) to produce a sound. Each player explained what their instrument was, how to play it and why they enjoy playing that particular instrument. It was really interesting learning about the different instruments, some of which our children had never seen. The 5 instruments were: flute, oboe, French horn, bassoon and the clarinet. They played a few pieces, including dances which children might have seen on Strictly; the music sounded amazing and everyone had an amazing time.  
Rocksteady Concert
On Tuesday 18th July, we had our very first 'Rocksteady' concert, which was watched by the rest of school and lots of parents. The children have been developing skills in playing electric guitar, bass guitar, drums, keyboards and singing. They have been learning to performing as a 'band' - collaborating to develop their songs ready for performance. They were all simply amazing! Each band worked well together, and it was fantastic to see the enthusiasm and personality of the band members emerging on stage. They received huge rounds of applause from very impressed parents and other children/staff in school. 
Keyboard Asembly
On Friday 14th July, we were treated to performances by children who have been learning the keyboard. They ranged in experience from those who have been learning since the start of this school year to those who have been learning for 3 or 4 years. All of them performed really well, including those who played in small groups - keeping timing to perform together is really tricky!  Well done to them all.   
Violin Performance
On 6th July, the whole school were treated to a performance from children who have been learning the violin. They played in small groups and in pairs - and we even had a child performing a solo. It takes a great deal of courage to stand up and perform in front of an audience and it was lovely to hear how they have progressed this year. Well done to all of our violinists! 
An encounter with opera! 
On Thursday 15th June, children in years 3 and 4 had a wonderful musical experience when we welcomed three musicians from the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire into school. Not only were the musicians exceptionally talented, but they were also amazing with the children, getting them all involved. The musicians sang sections of  songs from famous operas, explained how they project their voices and demonstrated how they portray their characters. It was then time for the children to become involved - singing and also freeze-framing parts of a song. We were all totally mesmerized! We'd like to express our thanks to Leamington Music ( who arranged this early introduction to opera - it was an amazing experience.  
Whole school music afternoon
We are very lucky to have specialist music teacher, Jeremy Dibb, teaching our children on a weekly basis as part of Warwick a Singing Town. Year groups learn different songs and this afternoon, they had the opportunity to perform to each other then sing some songs together. As part of the afternoon, children learning the violin were able to perform to the whole school. They played collectively as well as in pairs and small groups. It takes a great deal of courage to perform for the school and we were all very impressed with the progress they have made.