We share our Vision with our non-church, federated infant school: Emscote Infants. It is important to our school community that our vision reflects both schools. Children learn about the vision from Reception onwards and are supported in understanding the biblical basis of it from Y3 onwards when they join us at All Saints’
Our Christian Vision is:
‘Working Together, Valuing Everyone, Learning for Life’
The biblical basis for our vision is as follows: Luke 10:25-37; The Parable of the Good Samaritan
This parable underpins our ethos of love, respect, acceptance, religious tolerance, attitudes towards people who are 'different', compassion, consideration of what makes a 'neighbour' (including our global neighbours) and how we should we treat others.
At All Saints’ our Vision underpins and drives all that we do; in order to fulfil our vision, the personal development of our children is supported by teaching them about key Christian values; these are at the heart of everything we do; they shape the way in which we guide our children to become good citizens. We aim to develop ‘aspirational lifelong learning’ within a nurturing environment where everyone is valued and respected.